Alex & Lynette Weir


Meet Alex, a devoted missionary who has dedicated his life to serving God and others through his plumbing skills and construction expertise. In 1980, he felt a divine calling to use his talents for God's purpose in Italy. Just six weeks after receiving this conviction, Alex found himself on a life-changing journey to Italy with Russell Grainger to aid in the construction of essential radio studios, a transmitter workshop, and apartments for missionaries. It was during this transformative trip in 1980-1981 that Alex's relationship with God flourished and deepened.

In 1983, Alex once again felt God's call, this time to contribute his skills to the construction of a mission hospital in Shell, Ecuador, on the edge of the Amazon jungle. In addition to his plumbing work, Alex also stepped in to keep equipment running and took on various other tasks, showing his commitment to serving wherever there was a need. It was during this time that he crossed paths with his future wife, Lynette, who had come to work in the hospital laboratory.

In 1985, Alex and Lynette were married, and they initially thought of starting a business in New Zealand to support missions. However, God had different plans for them, and in 1987, they were led back to Ecuador to help build another teaching mission hospital. These hospitals have been instrumental in serving the needs of the impoverished and marginalized in the region. With God's guidance, Alex undertook all the mechanical aspects of the hospital's construction, including medical gas lines, steam boilers, ventilation, and plumbing. During these years of service, God blessed them with the joy of raising two sons.

In 1996, after completing the hospital project, they were asked to move to Shell on the edge of the Amazon. Alex continued to contribute to construction projects and concurrently led the maintenance department of the hospital and school. Lynette actively worked in the laboratory and was involved in the Nate Saint Memorial School. In 2003, the family moved to Quito to provide secondary school education for their sons. Alex continued his involvement in medical clinic construction and medical equipment repairs across Ecuador, often feeling the task exceeded his training and ability. Nevertheless, time and time again, they witnessed God providing wisdom and assistance to fulfill the mission.

Throughout the years, God's guidance has been evident in Alex's life, leading him to serve in disaster relief efforts alongside medical teams in places like Haiti, Rohingya refugee camps, and regions affected by tsunamis, providing essential logistical support.

With the recent impact of the pandemic, their focus has shifted more towards Ecuador, supporting and encouraging the local church. Lynette, with her medical laboratory skills, has been instrumental in various locations, providing aid on construction sites as well. God's hand continues to guide and direct their paths, allowing them to be a part of many individuals encountering God and developing personal relationships with Him.

As Alex and Lynette embrace the responsibilities of caring for their aging father and cherishing the joys of having grandchildren, they remain devoted to their mission of serving God and others. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated as they continue their faithful service in different corners of the world.

Alex & Lynette Weir
Reach Beyond is...

Reach Beyond is an international mission organisation with specialised skills in media, healthcare and community development. We’re passionate about reaching the unreached with the Gospel.