Te Tino Kōrero


Since 2014, Reach Beyond NZ has collaborated with various local partners to supply solar panels, LED lighting, and shortwave radios to communities residing in remote and rural villages across the Asia Pacific region, with a particular emphasis on India. Currently, in Ghana, West Africa, we are working in partnership with Theovision International to deliver village illumination and Gospel content through our enhanced Sheep Stations, benefiting more than 100 villages throughout the country.


The Sheep Station is a portable Wi-Fi server which provides anyone with Wi-Fi enabled devices such as mobile phones, tablets or computers access to the SuperBible comics and animations, digital Bibles, educational material, music and many other digital resources made available through its web server and intranet radio station. It is designed to work in areas with limited or no Internet access and offers, a hub of Biblical learning resources to support spiritual growth in Christ. Once connected to the Sheep Station Wi-Fi network, a user only has to open a web browser to freely access the radio stream and files stored on server. No login is necessary and no user information is stored or required.

The power of the gospel

We are pleased to present a testimony from Chief Gordon Atakwa of Doglokpo village in Ghana, who attests to the transformative power of the Gospel within his community of 200 residents. He reports a significant shift, with many individuals embracing Christianity, resulting in a tremendous impact on the village as a whole. Previously, approximately 50% of the population adhered to animist beliefs, but this demographic is undergoing a significant change. Chief Gordon asserts that the Gospel has proven to be a more potent force than the traditional shrines and spirits that once dominated their worship practices. “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He (Jesus) made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 2:15

Dawn bLessing for Te Tino Korero


Introducing an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of people living in remote and rural villages throughout the world. Reach Beyond NZ is seeking partners to submit projects similar to our Light up a Village project.By partnering with us, you can make a real impact on the lives of people living in remote and rural villages. We invite you to submit similar projects to our Light up a Village project and help us bring light and hope to those who need it the most.Thank you for considering this opportunity to partner with Reach Beyond NZ. Together, we can make a difference in the world.

Advanced Technology for Light, Power, and Inspiration

The new Sheep Stations are mounted on solar light poles that provide lighting, phone charging, and loudspeakers. These stations can deliver digital comics, discipleship materials, animations, and audio Bible programs in the language of the village listeners. The Sheep Stations also can provide public listening opportunities through loudspeaker broadcasts as well as 24/7 radio streams to mobile devices connected to the Wi-Fi hotspot. Content and broadcast schedules can be programmed remotely and updated directly into the Sheep Station devices through the Internet or by wireless mesh technology.

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Reach Beyond is...

Reach Beyond is an international mission organisation with specialised skills in media, healthcare and community development. We’re passionate about reaching the unreached with the Gospel.