CEO Letter January 2024

CEO Letter January 2024

Dear friend,

Welcome to 2024. It’s good to have you with us for another exciting year sharing God’s amazing love with a needy and desperate world. A world that is just lost, in so many ways.

Over the Christmas break I had occasion to reflect on the amazing history of HCJB/Reach Beyond and how we (you and us, working together) have positively impacted the world in so many ways. As I thought back to Clarence Jones and his contemporaries I thought about the faith that they showed as they were obedient to God’s calling. The story is one that inspires me still, today.

I love the fact that the God that called them, lead them and supplied their needs is the same God that calls, leads and supplies our needs today. Why did they answer the call and step out in faith? Why do we do the same, here and now in New Zealand in 2024? It’s an easy answer. Because God’s word is full of promises and full of truth. It’s because God loves the world and wants to see all mankind, everywhere redeemed and restored.

Two significant founding verses for HCJB/Reach Beyond are Jeremiah 33.3 and Zechariah 4:6.

Jeremiah 33:3 says, ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

And, Zechariah 4:6 says, ‘So he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel:

‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.’

Here we have the God of all creation, giver and sustainer of life telling us ‘Call and I will answer’. Wow. What a wonderful thought as we start 2024.

And it just gets better! We call, and HE answers is awesome, but If that isn’t enough, Zechariah tells us that it is not about how strong we are or how big we are or even about what resources we have, but it’s about God’s Spirit leading, enabling, and supplying.

My prayer for you and for RBNZ this year is that we all may know the reality of these verses in 2024. When things get tough, let’s call and wait to hear the answer and let’s listen to his Spirit and do things the way HE wants.

I wish I had the words to adequately communicate to you how much I appreciate your support, whether it be through prayer, an email or letter of encouragement or financially. I am so glad we are walking into 2024 as a three strand cord. You, RB New Zealand and God. What a team!

Remember, if you are coming to Festival One, please come and say ‘Hi’ to me. I will be there in the Reach Beyond Land Rover fire engine.

Please don’t forget, I would love to come and visit your church, or homegroup. I love telling the stories of lives changed and of all the other wonderful things that are happening here in NZ and around the world as the ministry of Reach Beyond goes beyond borders, beyond words and beyond ourselves.

If you would like to chat with me, please contact me on 021985810 or


Pastor Russell Grainger

CEO, Reach Beyond NZ

Reach Beyond is...

Reach Beyond is an international mission organisation with specialised skills in media, healthcare and community development. We’re passionate about reaching the unreached with the Gospel.