CEO Letter July 2024

CEO Letter July 2024

Dear friend ,

Sawasdee! (‘Greetings’ in Thai)

Thank you for your prayers for Janice, Bob and I as we attended the EMDC conference in Chiang Mai in Thailand. The conference was a real blessing and a real encouragement as, once again, we were able to see the way so many organisations, like ours, were using media and technology to tell the wondrous story of a loving Saviour who died so that sinful man can have relationship with the creator God.

Thanks too for your prayers for Bob and I as we spent a week in Bangkok working at the Asia Pacific regional office and workshop. It was a fantastic time and a real blessing as we were able to get through a lot of work while we were there, as well as meet some potential language partners for the SuperBible/Heroes of History app.

Bob, with his technical expertise was able to fix 4 computers, build 2 new ones and appropriately decommission 2 others – work that he excels at and that would have taken Trevor a long time to do.

I was able to use my time to repair some transmitters using circuit boards that Herman (see last month’s CEO letter) had repaired. I was also able to use my electrical and fabrication skills to make and wire up some back boards for the test benches to make the process a lot easier and safer for Trevor. I have included another page with some pictures on it for you.

The last day we were in Thailand we were able to visit a radio station in Surat Thani and replace the transmitter that was broken with one we had just fixed, to get them on the air. What a privilege to see the station manager smile as they started broadcasting again. This station had recently just won an award from Thailand’s broadcasting regulatory authority for quality programming, so it was important that they were on the air.

Can I encourage you, if you have skills in electronics, electrical, antenna and transmitter maintenance, earthing, (anything basically) then please get in touch. Between Herman and Elaine, Bob and I, we were able to, in just a couple of weeks, do more than 2 months equivalent work for Trevor.

Also, thank you for your prayers for me as I chaired the Reach Beyond Global Leadership Team (GLT) meetings in Munich. All the country offices (United Kingdom, Australia, Sweden, Netherlands and United States, as well as the regional offices of Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia Pacific, North Africa-Middle East and Europe-Eurasia) were represented. It was a fantastic time of fellowship and strategic planning for our worldwide ministries. I will report more on this in my next CEO letter.

I have also included with this CEO letter a flyer for a wonderful opportunity to promote the work of Reach Beyond. On the 21st July the Bay of Plenty Men’s Choir is holding a concert at Greerton Bible Church. If you are in the Waikato/BOP or have friends there, please come along.

Please don’t forget, I would love to come and visit your church, or homegroup. I love telling the stories of lives changed and of all the other wonderful things that are happening here in NZ and around the world as the ministry of Reach Beyond goes beyond borders, beyond words and beyond ourselves.

If you would like to chat with me, please contact me on 021985810 or


Pastor Russell Grainger

CEO, Reach Beyond NZ

Reach Beyond is...

Reach Beyond is an international mission organisation with specialised skills in media, healthcare and community development. We’re passionate about reaching the unreached with the Gospel.