CEO Letter October 2024

CEO Letter October 2024


I want to update you on the Light To The Nations (LTTN) project that is really starting to ramp up.

On October 13th, 5 of us from NZ arrive in Ghana to erect more of our multi-purpose poles. Andy Schick (a board member), Bob Arend, Josh Russell (Bob’s adult son), Robbie Pearson, and I are the 5 going to Ghana. We are excited that, along with our Ghanaian partner, Theovision, we will be able to bring physical light and spiritual light to more villages in rural Ghana through our LTTN pole project.

These poles go into villages where there is no electricity and no consistent Christian witness. All the villages have an existing relationship with Theovision through their evangelists who visit the villages from time to time but, of course, cannot be there every day. And that is where the poles come in. By using the loud speakers, controlled by our NZ-designed ‘Sheep Stations,’ the poles play Bible readings, devotionals, Christian music, children’s programmes, women’s programmes and evangelistic and discipleship programmes throughout the day. This is all at the request of the villagers.

Theovision supplies all the programmes in the heart language of the village. The villages we are putting the poles into have a population of between 250 and 300 people. What a fantastic opportunity to provide temporal security (through the lighting) and eternal security through them finding out about the God that loves them so much he sent his son to bring forgiveness of sins and life eternal. Bringing light into a dark place in both senses!

We are full steam ahead with our preparations. We have bought a second-hand shipping container that will be our storage facility and workshop and had it delivered to site (NZ$3,500 total). We have employed on a part-time bases, an incredible Ghanaian man called Alfred, who is a bright Christian, married with 2 children, and, in fact, used to work for Theovision. We are paying Alfred NZ$650.00 per month for 20 hours a week. Alfred goes to the villages beforehand and does prep work and also is our feet on the ground for dealing with Ghanaian businesses. Please pray for Alfred as he settles into his role.

I have included an extra page that has some photos of the poles we are getting manufactured in Ghana, of Alfred, and a map of the villages we are going to this trip.

I don’t normally ask for money, but this month I am asking if you would prayerfully consider giving towards the set-up costs and/or contributing to Alfred’s wages. Each pole costs NZ$9,000.00 and this includes absolutely everything.

Please don’t forget, I would love to come and visit your church or homegroup. I love telling the stories of lives changed and of all the other wonderful things that are happening here in NZ and around the world as the ministry of Reach Beyond goes beyond borders, beyond words, and beyond ourselves.

If you would like to chat with me, please contact me on 021985810 or


Pastor Russell Grainger

CEO, Reach Beyond NZ

Reach Beyond is...

Reach Beyond is an international mission organisation with specialised skills in media, healthcare and community development. We’re passionate about reaching the unreached with the Gospel.