CEO Letter September 2024

CEO Letter September 2024


Here at Reach Beyond, the Word of God is hugely important in all we do. This month I thought I would highlight some of the ways we get the word of God into people’s hands, especially those without ready access and those that have never seen or heard of the word of God before.

Our Bible Comics are a fantastic tool to get the Biblical story into the hands (and hearts) of thousands and thousands of people around the world.  

For me, one of the most exciting ministries of these comics are the physical ones we have had printed and placed into NZ prisons, schools, outreaches, and Churches.

Here is a scan of a message from an inmate at Rolleston Prison.  

It reads “I love the Story and the comic layout and the pictures make it an amazing read.  Also, I like that you have done it in English and Maori.  I hope to learn te reo.”

I constantly pray that these amazing comics will have a profound effect on our nation. They make the greatest story ever told, come alive to those who are unaware of the saving grace of an awesome God.

And then there are the 2 Apps we have, the SuperBible and Heroes of History. Over 50,000 downloads around the world and that is only scratching the surface because once they are downloaded, they can be shared and we have no way of tracking those.

The Word of God is, and will always remain central to who we are and what we do. It is our guide for life and ministry.  We know that for those going through tough times and persecution, books like the Psalms and Revelation are such a refuge and encouragement.  For living life, we have the beautiful Gospels and of course the Epistles.  There isn't a season of life, nor a problem that may beset us, that cannot be addressed through reading and following Scripture.

Once again, thank you for partnering with us.  Yes, your money does make a difference, but what makes my heart sing is knowing that you are lifting us up in prayer and praying that those who don’t yet know the living Saviour will come to a saving faith through the work of RBNZ and its partners.

The Word of God is, and will always remain central to who we are and what we do. It is our guide for life and ministry.  We know thatfor those going through tough times and persecution, books like the Psalms andRevelation are such a refuge and encouragement.  For living life, we have the beautiful Gospels and of course the Epistles.  There isn't a season oflife, nor a problem that may beset us, that cannot be addressed through readingand following Scripture.

Once again, thank you for partnering with us.  Yes, your money does make a difference, but what makes my heart sing is knowing thatyou are lifting us up in prayer and praying that those who don’t yet know theliving Saviour will come to a saving faith through the work of RBNZ and its partners.

Please don’t forget, I would love to come and visit your church, or homegroup. I love telling the stories of lives changed and of all the other wonderful things that are happening here in NZ and around the world as the ministry of Reach Beyond goes beyond borders, beyond words and beyond ourselves.

If you would like to chat with me, please contact me on021985810 or


Pastor Russell Grainger

CEO, Reach Beyond NZ

Reach Beyond is...

Reach Beyond is an international mission organisation with specialised skills in media, healthcare and community development. We’re passionate about reaching the unreached with the Gospel.